The threat of Communism did not go away at the so called "end" of the cold war. Ezra Taft Benson's words have been proved to be prophetic concerning the fall of America. When he was Secretary of the Department of Agriculture in the 60s, much to his disgust, he had to meet with Nikita Khrushchev to discuss farming in the Soviet Union. Their farming skills took a dive after the Gov't incited the slaughter of the farmers previously using class warfare (much like today's hatred of the "rich"). Here is an excerpt from Ezra from that conversation with Nikita:
"As we talked face to face, he indicated that my grandchildren would live under communism. After assuring him that I expected to do all in my power to assure that his and all other grandchildren will live under freedom, he arrogantly declared in substance, "You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright, but we'll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you'll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won't have to fight you. We'll so weaken your economy until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands." -Ezra Taft Benson
Here's the audio of Ezra's speech to Congress concerning Nikita's promise to him that America will eventually be Communist.
Communist Goals have been proceeding very well in America, and are now on a fast track with the current Administration and Congress. Let me be clear, the Bush's along with most presidents have been responsible for this progress too, in case you think I'm just an Obama hater.
"The Cold War is over and Communism is a non-issue for most Americans. Communism is such a non-issue that Communist plans to undermine American society have proceeded for years virtually undetected and unhindered. Recent events have aided this process, with President Obama's aggressive drive toward Socialism fitting neatly into decades of Communist strategy."-- John Griffing
Freedom doesn't just happen, it's not a natural state of societies. It must be be defended intellectually, and militarily if necessary. We cannot just go about our lives enjoying freedom and giving no attention to it's protection and maintenance. If we neglect this duty of free people, the duty to uphold and defend the principles that ensure freedom, we will lose freedom for ourselves and our offspring. Everyday, a bill is being assembled or passed in congress that increases the power and control of the Federal Government over industry, the economy, and/or our behavior and choices. Please do not tire of this fight, that is what the enemies of freedom want, to overwhelm you.
Get educated and speak out and defend the principles, and beliefs that made this nation the most prosperous, generous, compassionate, charitable, and greatest force for good in world history. Get involved. Attend the town halls and tea parties. Find a local political candidate who believes what you believe and has integrity, and support him come election time. We need to win our local communities back with traditional American principles and common sense. It starts at the local level and trickles up to the Federal. Expose corruption to your unknowing friends and coworkers. Don't waste time on unreasonable and irrational people, talk to the ones who will listen. We have a patriotic duty to resist any force that seeks to rob us of our Liberty, Freedom, and property. Don't give those up without a fight.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Labor of Freedom and Liberty
"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders."--Adams, Samuel letter to James Warren
November 4, 1775
I'm going to DC tomorrow, September 12, 2009. I will not be silenced. I will not sit down and allow those in power, who despise our country as it was founded, remake our nation according to their progressive, Godless, dangerous, and failed ideas, without opposition. These ideas have caused countless deaths and human suffering throughout world history. I will be able to tell my children, and their children, that I stood up and fought the progressive movement that took many of their God given freedoms and liberties away. I will tell them of how our great nation was founded, and on what principles it was founded. I will tell them of American Greatness and Exceptionalism. I will tell them of the poisonous ideas that spread like cancer through our universities and society that destroyed our nation from the inside out. They may reject what I say but they will have heard it. This is the Labor required to maintain a free society.
Freedom and Liberty is not only preserved through military might, but also in the market place of ideas. If we lose the hearts and minds of the People in the war of ideas, we will lose everything that the founding patriots fought, bled, and died for. If all memory of our founding and the principles it was founded are forgotten, we will lose all. We must fight in today's war of ideas, and we must teach our children to fight this war also. It is hard work and takes time and effort to wrestle with what you believe and why, and to become knowledgeable to articulate and apply the principles of conservatism, which is by definition, individual freedom and liberty. Being a liberal requires no effort, you just have to "feel", being a conservative requires thought and study. Rebutting the popular ideas and politics of our society does not make you loved and popular, you will be hated and called every name under the sun, but that's just because they can't engage you on content. If the People remain ignorant of our real history, the past and present activities and beliefs of their elected leaders, and the details of legislation moving through congress, we will lose the America we love, and eventually be left with some kind of progressive, authoritarian, Godless, socialist state. Washington is trying their hardest to take us their as fast as they can using choas, fear, and deception. But the People are becoming aware of the evil that is going in Washington. That is why thousands will be showing up in Washington DC tomorrow, because they are not ignorant of all the lies and promises.
November 4, 1775
I'm going to DC tomorrow, September 12, 2009. I will not be silenced. I will not sit down and allow those in power, who despise our country as it was founded, remake our nation according to their progressive, Godless, dangerous, and failed ideas, without opposition. These ideas have caused countless deaths and human suffering throughout world history. I will be able to tell my children, and their children, that I stood up and fought the progressive movement that took many of their God given freedoms and liberties away. I will tell them of how our great nation was founded, and on what principles it was founded. I will tell them of American Greatness and Exceptionalism. I will tell them of the poisonous ideas that spread like cancer through our universities and society that destroyed our nation from the inside out. They may reject what I say but they will have heard it. This is the Labor required to maintain a free society.
Freedom and Liberty is not only preserved through military might, but also in the market place of ideas. If we lose the hearts and minds of the People in the war of ideas, we will lose everything that the founding patriots fought, bled, and died for. If all memory of our founding and the principles it was founded are forgotten, we will lose all. We must fight in today's war of ideas, and we must teach our children to fight this war also. It is hard work and takes time and effort to wrestle with what you believe and why, and to become knowledgeable to articulate and apply the principles of conservatism, which is by definition, individual freedom and liberty. Being a liberal requires no effort, you just have to "feel", being a conservative requires thought and study. Rebutting the popular ideas and politics of our society does not make you loved and popular, you will be hated and called every name under the sun, but that's just because they can't engage you on content. If the People remain ignorant of our real history, the past and present activities and beliefs of their elected leaders, and the details of legislation moving through congress, we will lose the America we love, and eventually be left with some kind of progressive, authoritarian, Godless, socialist state. Washington is trying their hardest to take us their as fast as they can using choas, fear, and deception. But the People are becoming aware of the evil that is going in Washington. That is why thousands will be showing up in Washington DC tomorrow, because they are not ignorant of all the lies and promises.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Cash for clunker suspended due to funding shortage?
Who's surprised that a government program is unsustainable? As with all programs of late, it's all about ideology and vote buying, and less about helping anyone. When will Americans realize the Gov't isn't there to help you? They couldn't care less about you, they want your vote. That's it!
This is such a "revenge fest" of the tree humpers, who along with ACORN, SEIU, and GE, are writing every bill coming out of DC these days. Seizing engines, and destroying those evil C02 emitting vehicles, it must be therapeutic for them. Wrong, it will never be enough for the Progressives, they won't stop until they've destroyed every trace of the America dreamed of and fought for by our Founders. At this point America will collapse under its own weight or a nudge from a foreign power. The Founders knew that America wouldn't fall to a foreign military force, but would destroy itself from the inside out by abandoning the religious moral system it was based on, the Judeo Christian ethic.
They crush the cars, and send the scrap to China. All using carbon emitting crushers, trains, and ships. Oh and China could care less about the environment. Why give the scrap to China, when we would have to buy it back from them or they would use it and sell it elsewhere. Sounds like this program is less helping the environment and more about screwing America, which is all DC has been doing of late.
Cash for Clunkers will hurt the cash-tight families who are looking for used cars or trucks and can't afford a $12K+ vehicle. This will reduce the supply of used cars and trucks and thereby increase the price of the used vehicle market. It's a no brainer, Economics 101, but I wouldn't expect the average emotion based, drooling, driveling, Obama-ite follower to understand. It will also cause people to increase their debt load, when Americans should be doing the opposite. And that money doesn't just grow on trees, they have to take it from someone before they can give it away. Or those devils print it, then tax the bat snot out of our us and our posterity. Wealth redistribution anyone? Karl Marx anyone?
People, Government is not the solution, it's the problem!
Who's surprised that a government program is unsustainable? As with all programs of late, it's all about ideology and vote buying, and less about helping anyone. When will Americans realize the Gov't isn't there to help you? They couldn't care less about you, they want your vote. That's it!
This is such a "revenge fest" of the tree humpers, who along with ACORN, SEIU, and GE, are writing every bill coming out of DC these days. Seizing engines, and destroying those evil C02 emitting vehicles, it must be therapeutic for them. Wrong, it will never be enough for the Progressives, they won't stop until they've destroyed every trace of the America dreamed of and fought for by our Founders. At this point America will collapse under its own weight or a nudge from a foreign power. The Founders knew that America wouldn't fall to a foreign military force, but would destroy itself from the inside out by abandoning the religious moral system it was based on, the Judeo Christian ethic.
They crush the cars, and send the scrap to China. All using carbon emitting crushers, trains, and ships. Oh and China could care less about the environment. Why give the scrap to China, when we would have to buy it back from them or they would use it and sell it elsewhere. Sounds like this program is less helping the environment and more about screwing America, which is all DC has been doing of late.
Cash for Clunkers will hurt the cash-tight families who are looking for used cars or trucks and can't afford a $12K+ vehicle. This will reduce the supply of used cars and trucks and thereby increase the price of the used vehicle market. It's a no brainer, Economics 101, but I wouldn't expect the average emotion based, drooling, driveling, Obama-ite follower to understand. It will also cause people to increase their debt load, when Americans should be doing the opposite. And that money doesn't just grow on trees, they have to take it from someone before they can give it away. Or those devils print it, then tax the bat snot out of our us and our posterity. Wealth redistribution anyone? Karl Marx anyone?
People, Government is not the solution, it's the problem!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Annual Fuel Cost vs. MPG

I was tinkering around the other day and come up with a graph that very clearly describes the relationship with MPG to annual fuel cost. This is strictly from a cost perspective. It doesn't matter what kind of fuel, diesel, or gas or take into account the purchase price of such vehicles.
Notice how rapidly fuel cost comes down with increasing MPG then begins to flatten out at 35+ MPG. So when you're looking at cars that get 35+ MPG, it may not make sense to spend $10K more for that next 10 MPG because the savings aren't as great as going from a 15 MPG to 30 MPG car. Also notice that higher MPG cars have less sensitivity to increases in fuel price. A dollar more a gallon hurts a lot worse with a 15 MPG vehicle than with a 35 MPG vehicle.
I'm not crazy about the little eco-death bubble cars nor do I think that the planet is in peril because of fossil fuel use, but they sure are easier on the wallet. The planet is in peril because of ideas of the progressives/communists in power in DC and all over the planet. Anyone who's paying attention to the policies coming from DC knows that energy prices "will necessarily skyrocket" to use Obama's words regarding the "Cap & Trade(Tax)" bill coming through. Gas and Electricity are going to be prohibitively expensive in the next few years, so it might be a good idea to Obamaproof some aspects of your life. There is no such thing as Obamaproof actually, his ideas are like cancer to freedom, liberty and prosperity, but you can try to lessen the pain and misery.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Your gonna wish you were a pet animal, at least until they nationalize the Veterinary industry
Great article on government run health care by John Stossel. Animals get the best health care in Canada, guess why? Because it's market driven, not run by the government. The problems with our health care is because of government involvement. Why would you want them to completely run it. They have no credibility to run anything efficiently, profitably, and honestly. Profit is the incentive for companies to develop new technologies that cure afflictions or ease suffering. Profit is an opportunity for taxation to gov't, and morally wrong to Obama. Profit is the greatest incentive for quality, competitive pricing, and the greatest innovations. It's when the government starts meddling with the economics of an industry, removing free market forces, that the industry becomes unsustainable, and a train wreck. Some examples of failed programs, ruined industries, and business ventures/gov't sponsored monopolies are: health care, mortgage industry, ethanol, energy in general, social security, medicare, medicaide, Amtrak, Postal Service, and the congressional restaurant to name a few. I'm sure I'm missing many. The point is, gov't cannot be trusted to run a lemonade stand, much less something as personal and important as health care.
When the government runs health care, they will have the power to control and regulate every aspect of your life by claiming that an activity has a negative effect on your health and will increase the cost of national health care. They will get some government hack organization to manufacture a study to say what they want it to say. Just look at global warming as a perfect example of manufacturing "proof" and suppressing the opposition to pass an economically devasting, freedom destroying, government empowering, energy bill.
I agree with Ronald Reagan: "government is not the answer, it's the problem."
Great article on government run health care by John Stossel. Animals get the best health care in Canada, guess why? Because it's market driven, not run by the government. The problems with our health care is because of government involvement. Why would you want them to completely run it. They have no credibility to run anything efficiently, profitably, and honestly. Profit is the incentive for companies to develop new technologies that cure afflictions or ease suffering. Profit is an opportunity for taxation to gov't, and morally wrong to Obama. Profit is the greatest incentive for quality, competitive pricing, and the greatest innovations. It's when the government starts meddling with the economics of an industry, removing free market forces, that the industry becomes unsustainable, and a train wreck. Some examples of failed programs, ruined industries, and business ventures/gov't sponsored monopolies are: health care, mortgage industry, ethanol, energy in general, social security, medicare, medicaide, Amtrak, Postal Service, and the congressional restaurant to name a few. I'm sure I'm missing many. The point is, gov't cannot be trusted to run a lemonade stand, much less something as personal and important as health care.
When the government runs health care, they will have the power to control and regulate every aspect of your life by claiming that an activity has a negative effect on your health and will increase the cost of national health care. They will get some government hack organization to manufacture a study to say what they want it to say. Just look at global warming as a perfect example of manufacturing "proof" and suppressing the opposition to pass an economically devasting, freedom destroying, government empowering, energy bill.
I agree with Ronald Reagan: "government is not the answer, it's the problem."
Monday, June 22, 2009
My Father in Law, saved by grace.
My Father-in-Law passed away on Sunday evening. Because Glenn lived his life for the message of Salvation through Christ alone, I cannot tell you of his passing without telling you of the Gospel message that saved his soul for eternity.
Because God is just, we are all guilty of our sins and deserve hell. Because God is love, he sent his only son to live a perfect life and die unjustly at the hands of sinners, to be the only adequate substitute for us. God justly poured out his wrath on Jesus Christ, wrath that was meant for us. Because God loved us so much he offers the forgiveness of sins to those who believe in what Christ has done on our behalf, to those who confess and turn away from their life of sin, and trust in Christ's sacrifice only for the forgiveness of their sins. Upon doing this we are promised Eternal Life in the presence of God after our earthly bodies perish. We are not left abandoned while we are still on earth. Christ promised to give us an intercessor, someone to lead and guide us in our hearts and consciences, and to intercede on our behalf to God. This is the Holy Spirit. Glenn lived his life for this message. In his life, all Glenn desired was for the God who saved him to be glorified by his life.
Have you considered Christ?
Because God is just, we are all guilty of our sins and deserve hell. Because God is love, he sent his only son to live a perfect life and die unjustly at the hands of sinners, to be the only adequate substitute for us. God justly poured out his wrath on Jesus Christ, wrath that was meant for us. Because God loved us so much he offers the forgiveness of sins to those who believe in what Christ has done on our behalf, to those who confess and turn away from their life of sin, and trust in Christ's sacrifice only for the forgiveness of their sins. Upon doing this we are promised Eternal Life in the presence of God after our earthly bodies perish. We are not left abandoned while we are still on earth. Christ promised to give us an intercessor, someone to lead and guide us in our hearts and consciences, and to intercede on our behalf to God. This is the Holy Spirit. Glenn lived his life for this message. In his life, all Glenn desired was for the God who saved him to be glorified by his life.
Have you considered Christ?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The coming National Healthcare death spiral
Yippee! I can't wait to suffer and die on a waiting list.
I've been thinking about this problem for awhile and what some possible good moves would be. I may be wrong, but I'm still thinking it all through. Liberal beauracrats wouldn't like my idea because it shrinks gov't, which is what any good conservative would seek to do.
What about starting a transition from our system where insurance companies and gov't dictate to the hospitals how much things cost, and who gets what care (foisting the costs to the taxpayer and those with insurance), to a system where eventually healthcare is funded by the individual and hospitals compete with eachother to provide the best quality of care at the lowest cost to earn the business of the patient.
Right now we have healthcare spending accounts that are tax-deferred. What if they would expand that to not only be untaxed money but also a tax deduction. Preferrably these accounts would be private safe investments. We all know what happened to the lockbock of Welfare Money that the gov't swore they would never use for anything else. Maybe to provide even more incentive for individuals to save, the gov't could match some percentage of what the individual elects to contribute, all tax deductable. It would be ideal if Americans could eventually soley fund their medical care from these private savings accounts. This money could only be spent on medical related expenses. All this would be much cheaper than our current insurance and medicare/medicade entitlement programs that are set to bankrupt our nation currently
What money not spent when the patient dies would belong to their estate.
It would take some persuasion to get hospitals to move back to charging for a band aid what a band aid actually costs, instead of their inflated prices which are a consequence of being paid by insurance companies, servicing non paying patients, and gov't underfunding. My goal would be to essentially eliminate any middle men between the patient and the hospital. The patient will directly pay the hospital. Medical Care costs would be forced to adjust and offer supreme quality of care to compete with other hospitals for the business of the patient.
There would need to be some gov't assistance to transition to this form of provider and patient payer system. There would need to be a subsidization period to give hospitals time to adjust their costs down to levels of open and free market competition. The hospitals would be financially much better off because they would be getting paid for the care they provide with some kind of profit margin.
What about the poor and illegals who need care. Well I suggest they get a job. Illegals, we stabilize you and deport you. The only free healthcare would be to individuals who are physically or psychologically absolutely unable to work. Think how much more money you would have left in your paycheck if you didn't have to pay for all the medical entitlements our gov't obligates us to. Think of how much more money would be given to charities that could support the truly needy, reducing the cost to the gov't.
Free markets and competition is better for the provider and the patient. I believe a move toward this direction would be an improvement.
Yippee! I can't wait to suffer and die on a waiting list.
I've been thinking about this problem for awhile and what some possible good moves would be. I may be wrong, but I'm still thinking it all through. Liberal beauracrats wouldn't like my idea because it shrinks gov't, which is what any good conservative would seek to do.
What about starting a transition from our system where insurance companies and gov't dictate to the hospitals how much things cost, and who gets what care (foisting the costs to the taxpayer and those with insurance), to a system where eventually healthcare is funded by the individual and hospitals compete with eachother to provide the best quality of care at the lowest cost to earn the business of the patient.
Right now we have healthcare spending accounts that are tax-deferred. What if they would expand that to not only be untaxed money but also a tax deduction. Preferrably these accounts would be private safe investments. We all know what happened to the lockbock of Welfare Money that the gov't swore they would never use for anything else. Maybe to provide even more incentive for individuals to save, the gov't could match some percentage of what the individual elects to contribute, all tax deductable. It would be ideal if Americans could eventually soley fund their medical care from these private savings accounts. This money could only be spent on medical related expenses. All this would be much cheaper than our current insurance and medicare/medicade entitlement programs that are set to bankrupt our nation currently
What money not spent when the patient dies would belong to their estate.
It would take some persuasion to get hospitals to move back to charging for a band aid what a band aid actually costs, instead of their inflated prices which are a consequence of being paid by insurance companies, servicing non paying patients, and gov't underfunding. My goal would be to essentially eliminate any middle men between the patient and the hospital. The patient will directly pay the hospital. Medical Care costs would be forced to adjust and offer supreme quality of care to compete with other hospitals for the business of the patient.
There would need to be some gov't assistance to transition to this form of provider and patient payer system. There would need to be a subsidization period to give hospitals time to adjust their costs down to levels of open and free market competition. The hospitals would be financially much better off because they would be getting paid for the care they provide with some kind of profit margin.
What about the poor and illegals who need care. Well I suggest they get a job. Illegals, we stabilize you and deport you. The only free healthcare would be to individuals who are physically or psychologically absolutely unable to work. Think how much more money you would have left in your paycheck if you didn't have to pay for all the medical entitlements our gov't obligates us to. Think of how much more money would be given to charities that could support the truly needy, reducing the cost to the gov't.
Free markets and competition is better for the provider and the patient. I believe a move toward this direction would be an improvement.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lambs voting for Wolves that eat them
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”
Benjamin Franklin
My revisionist version of this Benjamin Franklin quote:
"Socialism is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Unfortunately the lamb can no longer contest the vote because wolves in lambs clothing went out and organized the lamb community to believe that they were the victims of a society run by rich, whiter, capitalist lambs who've been keeping them down. The wolves in lambs clothing told them they too could not only vote on what to have for dinner, but could also have the dinner of their fellow rich, whiter, capitalist lamb neighbors if they vote for the "Lambs that look like a wolf, smell like a wolf, but are really Lambs, party." These wolves in lambs clothing also convinced the lambs that guns were responsible for all the crime in the lamb communities. The lambs enthusiastically supported all the gun control laws and eventually a ban on gun ownership despite the skyrocketing crime. They believed the deception that the reason the crime increased was because they didn't have enough gun control. Eventually the wolves stopped dressing like lambs because the wolves had nothing to fear of the lambs because the lambs were unarmed. Most of the lambs were willfully ignorant of matters of politics and government and still didn't realize that they were voting for the wolves all along, and continued to vote "Lambs that look like a wolf, smell like a wolf, but are really Lambs, party...for Change". Hence now when it comes time to vote on what to have for dinner, two wolves proudly show up licking their chops, but only one lamb shows up who was elected based on their ability to "cross the aisle" in bipartisanship. Little did the moderate lamb know, lamb chops with mutton was on the menu, and the wolves now had the majority vote." - Benjamin
Lamb anyone?
Benjamin Franklin
My revisionist version of this Benjamin Franklin quote:
"Socialism is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Unfortunately the lamb can no longer contest the vote because wolves in lambs clothing went out and organized the lamb community to believe that they were the victims of a society run by rich, whiter, capitalist lambs who've been keeping them down. The wolves in lambs clothing told them they too could not only vote on what to have for dinner, but could also have the dinner of their fellow rich, whiter, capitalist lamb neighbors if they vote for the "Lambs that look like a wolf, smell like a wolf, but are really Lambs, party." These wolves in lambs clothing also convinced the lambs that guns were responsible for all the crime in the lamb communities. The lambs enthusiastically supported all the gun control laws and eventually a ban on gun ownership despite the skyrocketing crime. They believed the deception that the reason the crime increased was because they didn't have enough gun control. Eventually the wolves stopped dressing like lambs because the wolves had nothing to fear of the lambs because the lambs were unarmed. Most of the lambs were willfully ignorant of matters of politics and government and still didn't realize that they were voting for the wolves all along, and continued to vote "Lambs that look like a wolf, smell like a wolf, but are really Lambs, party...for Change". Hence now when it comes time to vote on what to have for dinner, two wolves proudly show up licking their chops, but only one lamb shows up who was elected based on their ability to "cross the aisle" in bipartisanship. Little did the moderate lamb know, lamb chops with mutton was on the menu, and the wolves now had the majority vote." - Benjamin
Lamb anyone?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Communities Printing Local currencies
Something just doesn't feel right about this printing of "scrips" for use in local businesses. Your still printing so called "money" out of thin air and exchanging an un-backed US dollar for another un-backed local "dollar" and buying something of value. Seems unsustainable.
It seems like they are compounding the problem we already have of inflation buy creating more "money" out of thin air and then convincing people to buy $100 local "dollars" with $95 US
Let's think this out. This could get complicated so if your a lightweight you may want to bail now.
If you buy $100 local dollars with $95 US dollars from a local bank, and a business prices their goods at the same dollar value, it's the same as the business having a 5% discount for the buyer. If the business has to then exchange the $100 local dollars for $95 US dollars, they see a 5% loss in this exchange. The business could make out ok if this scheme creates enough volume and the businesses have enough profit margin. If the exchange rate is too good, it would create demand for local dollars inflating the local currency, and causing shortages of goods. Businesses would have to raise their prices but to no avail so long as the exchange rate is too good to resist and goods have the same dollar value for both currencies. This will result in business not wanting to accept the local dollars rendering them worthless. Seems simpler for businesses just to discount their goods which would attract buyers local or not.
If the business have two different prices for the two different currencies they could have a lower local dollar price (additional discount for the buyer on top of the 5% discount from exchanging currencies) to encourage local shoppers to buy. But the business' expenses are still in US dollars so they could only discount so much and still make their minimum profit margins after exchanging back to US dollars. If enough businesses did this, it would cause a rush of people to exchange $95 US dollars for $100 local dollars inflating the local currency and cause shortages of goods. Businesses would have to compensate for this by raising the local dollar price of their goods. Depending on how bad the currency inflated from the demand to exchange US dollars for it, the local dollar price may have to go more than 5% above the US dollar price for the businesses to cover their costs, thereby negating the advantage of using local dollars for the buyer. If the business would then have to exchange those local dollars back, $100 local dollars for $95 US dollars, this would work against them by costing them an additional 5%. This would render the local dollars worthless because the US dollar would end up stronger.
Both scenarios result in worthless local paper dollars. The buyers wouldn't want the local dollars and businesses would not want to accept them. The compassionate liberal would say, "It's not fair that all these poor people are stuck with these local dollars", and then pass a law mandating that businesses must accept these dollars and establish local dollar price caps. This would cause the businesses to incur heavy losses and go bankrupt. This is a perfect example of our government "fixing" the wrongs and evils of the free markets and capitalism. And when things go to hell, they blame the free markets and capitalism , run by greedy rich people, for oppressing the middle class and the poor. Government causes the problems and creates the crisis that they claim only they can fix.
This is also the fate of all paper currencies, history has proved this time and again. This shows why paper currency must be backed by something of intrinsic value, say Gold and Silver, like our dollars used to be. Even better, we should have heeded our founders advice against paper currency and a Federal Reserve.
You cannot have real wealth without production of valuable goods that people purchased with real money of intrinsic value that people have saved for by earning real money buy producing something of value. It's a simple circle and I didn't have to be Timothy Geithner to figure that one out.
Lending money in our fractional reserve system creates money out of thin air and gives people a pseudo sense of feeling wealthy. People are not really wealthy because they drive an Escalade and live in a McMansion that they don't own and is payed for by creating electronic dollars. It's a Ponzi scheme that will fail.
Getting back to the original topic, it just makes more sense to me for businesses to have sales, and issue coupons etc. and attract both local and non-local buyers. That's my quick analysis.
Am I wrong? What do you think?
Something just doesn't feel right about this printing of "scrips" for use in local businesses. Your still printing so called "money" out of thin air and exchanging an un-backed US dollar for another un-backed local "dollar" and buying something of value. Seems unsustainable.
It seems like they are compounding the problem we already have of inflation buy creating more "money" out of thin air and then convincing people to buy $100 local "dollars" with $95 US
Let's think this out. This could get complicated so if your a lightweight you may want to bail now.
If you buy $100 local dollars with $95 US dollars from a local bank, and a business prices their goods at the same dollar value, it's the same as the business having a 5% discount for the buyer. If the business has to then exchange the $100 local dollars for $95 US dollars, they see a 5% loss in this exchange. The business could make out ok if this scheme creates enough volume and the businesses have enough profit margin. If the exchange rate is too good, it would create demand for local dollars inflating the local currency, and causing shortages of goods. Businesses would have to raise their prices but to no avail so long as the exchange rate is too good to resist and goods have the same dollar value for both currencies. This will result in business not wanting to accept the local dollars rendering them worthless. Seems simpler for businesses just to discount their goods which would attract buyers local or not.
If the business have two different prices for the two different currencies they could have a lower local dollar price (additional discount for the buyer on top of the 5% discount from exchanging currencies) to encourage local shoppers to buy. But the business' expenses are still in US dollars so they could only discount so much and still make their minimum profit margins after exchanging back to US dollars. If enough businesses did this, it would cause a rush of people to exchange $95 US dollars for $100 local dollars inflating the local currency and cause shortages of goods. Businesses would have to compensate for this by raising the local dollar price of their goods. Depending on how bad the currency inflated from the demand to exchange US dollars for it, the local dollar price may have to go more than 5% above the US dollar price for the businesses to cover their costs, thereby negating the advantage of using local dollars for the buyer. If the business would then have to exchange those local dollars back, $100 local dollars for $95 US dollars, this would work against them by costing them an additional 5%. This would render the local dollars worthless because the US dollar would end up stronger.
Both scenarios result in worthless local paper dollars. The buyers wouldn't want the local dollars and businesses would not want to accept them. The compassionate liberal would say, "It's not fair that all these poor people are stuck with these local dollars", and then pass a law mandating that businesses must accept these dollars and establish local dollar price caps. This would cause the businesses to incur heavy losses and go bankrupt. This is a perfect example of our government "fixing" the wrongs and evils of the free markets and capitalism. And when things go to hell, they blame the free markets and capitalism , run by greedy rich people, for oppressing the middle class and the poor. Government causes the problems and creates the crisis that they claim only they can fix.
This is also the fate of all paper currencies, history has proved this time and again. This shows why paper currency must be backed by something of intrinsic value, say Gold and Silver, like our dollars used to be. Even better, we should have heeded our founders advice against paper currency and a Federal Reserve.
You cannot have real wealth without production of valuable goods that people purchased with real money of intrinsic value that people have saved for by earning real money buy producing something of value. It's a simple circle and I didn't have to be Timothy Geithner to figure that one out.
Lending money in our fractional reserve system creates money out of thin air and gives people a pseudo sense of feeling wealthy. People are not really wealthy because they drive an Escalade and live in a McMansion that they don't own and is payed for by creating electronic dollars. It's a Ponzi scheme that will fail.
Getting back to the original topic, it just makes more sense to me for businesses to have sales, and issue coupons etc. and attract both local and non-local buyers. That's my quick analysis.
Am I wrong? What do you think?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Never waste a good crisis, Clinton says on climate
Boy, this idea of never letting a crisis go to waste is starting to sound like an echo in the Obama administration. First Rahm Emanuel, and now Hillary is parroting this. This concept is not new, where did the New Deal come from? It came from fear, "we have to do something!" Doing nothing is much better than doing the wrong thing.
I believe that the Global Warming policies coming our way are in the top 3 greatest threats to our nation. In my opinion, the 3 greatest threats are Terrorism, Global Warming Policies, and our open borders. I don't know what order to put them in.
The policies of Global warming pose the greatest threat to our economy and our liberties and freedoms. Cap and Trade is a huge tax where companies will have to buy carbon offsets to pay for their carbon emissions, which is proven to crush economies. The smart grid technology gives the gov't the power to implement cap and trade on individual households by giving them visibility and maybe eventually control over the usage of electric devices you use in your home. Do you want the government in charge of your thermostat? There are a flurry of taxes on automobile usage coming too. A mileage tax, new fuel sales tax, huge increases in state and federal fuel taxes, and a carbon emissions tax on you likely based on what you drive and how much you drive. And this is barely the tip of the iceberg of all the punishment for carbon usage coming our way.
This is coming from the Left (both Ds and Rs). Don't ever call the political right fascists. This kind of government intrusion into every aspect of life is coming from the left, it always has and always will. Conservatism is about protecting and promoting individual liberty, freedom, and limited government that fears the people. In the end the Global Warming politicians could care less about the climate, it's about their insatiable lust for power, Global Warming provides a useful crisis to attain this power from all the useful idiots getting suckered into believing the Global Warming Hoax.
Check out Obama's new 1 trillion dollar tax increase in his new budget. It is the greatest assault on achievement, and charity, this is not "equality" or "fairness". Basically it's an assault everything that made America great, which is what he's all about anyway.
Boy, this idea of never letting a crisis go to waste is starting to sound like an echo in the Obama administration. First Rahm Emanuel, and now Hillary is parroting this. This concept is not new, where did the New Deal come from? It came from fear, "we have to do something!" Doing nothing is much better than doing the wrong thing.
I believe that the Global Warming policies coming our way are in the top 3 greatest threats to our nation. In my opinion, the 3 greatest threats are Terrorism, Global Warming Policies, and our open borders. I don't know what order to put them in.
The policies of Global warming pose the greatest threat to our economy and our liberties and freedoms. Cap and Trade is a huge tax where companies will have to buy carbon offsets to pay for their carbon emissions, which is proven to crush economies. The smart grid technology gives the gov't the power to implement cap and trade on individual households by giving them visibility and maybe eventually control over the usage of electric devices you use in your home. Do you want the government in charge of your thermostat? There are a flurry of taxes on automobile usage coming too. A mileage tax, new fuel sales tax, huge increases in state and federal fuel taxes, and a carbon emissions tax on you likely based on what you drive and how much you drive. And this is barely the tip of the iceberg of all the punishment for carbon usage coming our way.
This is coming from the Left (both Ds and Rs). Don't ever call the political right fascists. This kind of government intrusion into every aspect of life is coming from the left, it always has and always will. Conservatism is about protecting and promoting individual liberty, freedom, and limited government that fears the people. In the end the Global Warming politicians could care less about the climate, it's about their insatiable lust for power, Global Warming provides a useful crisis to attain this power from all the useful idiots getting suckered into believing the Global Warming Hoax.
Check out Obama's new 1 trillion dollar tax increase in his new budget. It is the greatest assault on achievement, and charity, this is not "equality" or "fairness". Basically it's an assault everything that made America great, which is what he's all about anyway.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tax hike for 100% of Americans
Let's be clear, a tax credit is not a tax cut. And besides how can you get a tax cut if you don't pay taxes to begin with. That's called welfare America, and it's immoral.
It's a darn shell game which ends up being a tax hike for everyone. Here's an analogy, they give sub-$250K/yr people $10 as a tax credit, then tax those evil rich and carbon-emitting industries, which increases your energy costs by $30 and cause rich people and companies to cut jobs, close the doors, or not open them to begin with. And the politicians are hugging each other with tears in their eyes proclaiming how the new tax plan is more equitable and fair. It helps those who've been left behind for the past eight years. Please, I think I just threw up in my mouth.
And when he lets those evil Bush tax cuts expire, guess what, its a huge tax increase for those same 95% of Americans. Funny how Obama left that detail out in his campaign drivel. Remember everything Obama says has an expiration date (as Rush has proved).
If you tax industry and the rich, pain trickles down through higher costs for goods and lost jobs. If you cut taxes for the rich and industries, prosperity trickles down, by lower costs for goods and more jobs. I've never known a poor person to start a business and create jobs. Obama is creating equality by taxing the rich out of exisitence and making more people dependent on government, which solidifies the hard left's power for years to come. Look at Michigan, that's what's coming to America. It's an age old strategy. This is not hope or change, this is insanity, because it's been done before and failed.
Socialism fails everywhere it's tried. Conservatism promotes Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness everywhere it's tried in its pure and un-perverted form. Conservatism gives people the opportunity to move up, Socialism punishes achievement and brings the losers up and the achievers down to the same level of misery and slavery to oppressive government, who by the way live like kings on the backs of the people. That's Obama's idea hope and change.
Let's be clear, a tax credit is not a tax cut. And besides how can you get a tax cut if you don't pay taxes to begin with. That's called welfare America, and it's immoral.
It's a darn shell game which ends up being a tax hike for everyone. Here's an analogy, they give sub-$250K/yr people $10 as a tax credit, then tax those evil rich and carbon-emitting industries, which increases your energy costs by $30 and cause rich people and companies to cut jobs, close the doors, or not open them to begin with. And the politicians are hugging each other with tears in their eyes proclaiming how the new tax plan is more equitable and fair. It helps those who've been left behind for the past eight years. Please, I think I just threw up in my mouth.
And when he lets those evil Bush tax cuts expire, guess what, its a huge tax increase for those same 95% of Americans. Funny how Obama left that detail out in his campaign drivel. Remember everything Obama says has an expiration date (as Rush has proved).
If you tax industry and the rich, pain trickles down through higher costs for goods and lost jobs. If you cut taxes for the rich and industries, prosperity trickles down, by lower costs for goods and more jobs. I've never known a poor person to start a business and create jobs. Obama is creating equality by taxing the rich out of exisitence and making more people dependent on government, which solidifies the hard left's power for years to come. Look at Michigan, that's what's coming to America. It's an age old strategy. This is not hope or change, this is insanity, because it's been done before and failed.
Socialism fails everywhere it's tried. Conservatism promotes Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness everywhere it's tried in its pure and un-perverted form. Conservatism gives people the opportunity to move up, Socialism punishes achievement and brings the losers up and the achievers down to the same level of misery and slavery to oppressive government, who by the way live like kings on the backs of the people. That's Obama's idea hope and change.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
$1 Trillion in new taxes starting in 2011.
Here's yet another installment of all that "change" people were so hungry for. A change back to the Carter years. These taxes will hurt businesses, and new business creation (created by those evil rich people, grr, tax 'em more). High taxes discourage anyone from investing in business in America, which "trickles down" to people being unemployed and dependent on gov't, which further increases the need for higher taxes. Get the picture?
We need to be sharply cutting taxes to encourage entrepreneurship and investment and stop punishing the achievers and propping up the losers by taxing the snot out of company profits and those "evil rich people" and burying our grandchildren with debt they had no say in. Heck, they rigged this up now where the People can't even stop the printing of money now to bail out the losers, which breeds more losers.
We need to get all able-bodied people on welfare and government assistance off of it and stop rewarding bums for being bums. Obama's policies reward the losers by removing the work requirement for welfare from the 1996 Welfare reform. They also reward states for increasing their SCHIP and welfare rosters. Breeding slaves to gov't and a dependable voting base.
Does anyone think about the future progression of consequences from all this "Change" or is everyone content to trust "His Majesty" to whisper sweet sounding rhetoric in their ears and trust that everything will be ok. That man is lying every time he speaks. No earmarks? Every spending bill they pass IS an earmark. Everything he is doing is historically proven to make a recession into a depression. FDR's New Deal extended the depression by seven years. His own treasury secretary, seven years into the New Deal, admitted deficit spending doesn't fix a depression. That history has been hidden by the leftist textbooks, all of academia, and his swooning media.
We are losing our country to a bunch of power hungry, self-obsessed, socialists. They love a crisis and benefit from keeping it going, because they use it to pass legistlation that is advertised to fix the crisis but is actually a cover for increasing their power and control over people and the markets.
Read the following definitions from Merriam-Webster and tell me we aren't implementing elements of these poisonous ideologies that have caused incalculable human suffering and millions of deaths in the recent history. This is the flavor of "Change" Obama wants, which may be a little different than what his followers were thinking. It's coming in little bits and pieces, well, now it's chunks.
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
These ideologies have led to great human suffering in history. Not a good idea for America.
Educate Yourself,
Here's yet another installment of all that "change" people were so hungry for. A change back to the Carter years. These taxes will hurt businesses, and new business creation (created by those evil rich people, grr, tax 'em more). High taxes discourage anyone from investing in business in America, which "trickles down" to people being unemployed and dependent on gov't, which further increases the need for higher taxes. Get the picture?
We need to be sharply cutting taxes to encourage entrepreneurship and investment and stop punishing the achievers and propping up the losers by taxing the snot out of company profits and those "evil rich people" and burying our grandchildren with debt they had no say in. Heck, they rigged this up now where the People can't even stop the printing of money now to bail out the losers, which breeds more losers.
We need to get all able-bodied people on welfare and government assistance off of it and stop rewarding bums for being bums. Obama's policies reward the losers by removing the work requirement for welfare from the 1996 Welfare reform. They also reward states for increasing their SCHIP and welfare rosters. Breeding slaves to gov't and a dependable voting base.
Does anyone think about the future progression of consequences from all this "Change" or is everyone content to trust "His Majesty" to whisper sweet sounding rhetoric in their ears and trust that everything will be ok. That man is lying every time he speaks. No earmarks? Every spending bill they pass IS an earmark. Everything he is doing is historically proven to make a recession into a depression. FDR's New Deal extended the depression by seven years. His own treasury secretary, seven years into the New Deal, admitted deficit spending doesn't fix a depression. That history has been hidden by the leftist textbooks, all of academia, and his swooning media.
We are losing our country to a bunch of power hungry, self-obsessed, socialists. They love a crisis and benefit from keeping it going, because they use it to pass legistlation that is advertised to fix the crisis but is actually a cover for increasing their power and control over people and the markets.
Read the following definitions from Merriam-Webster and tell me we aren't implementing elements of these poisonous ideologies that have caused incalculable human suffering and millions of deaths in the recent history. This is the flavor of "Change" Obama wants, which may be a little different than what his followers were thinking. It's coming in little bits and pieces, well, now it's chunks.
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
These ideologies have led to great human suffering in history. Not a good idea for America.
Educate Yourself,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Save the monkeys from ripping people's faces off, huh?
So a pet monkey gone wild mauls a human. And what does our elected representatives do? They put a bill together, with a shove from the Animal Rights lobby, called the "Captive Primate Safety Act" that protects primates. Only through the rose colored glasses of Government logic does it make sense to protect the threat and not the threatened. This bill is not intended to protect humans but appease the Animal Rights folks who despise pet ownership and see it as abuse. We've seen a flavor of this mentality recently with the Obama Administration's desire to give terrorists at Gitmo civil rights. It's insanity. What is also familiar is how the Government uses a tragedy or crisis to push through their leftist agenda that appears to address the issue that caused the tragedy or crisis but is actually advancing their leftist agenda.
Pay Attention.
So a pet monkey gone wild mauls a human. And what does our elected representatives do? They put a bill together, with a shove from the Animal Rights lobby, called the "Captive Primate Safety Act" that protects primates. Only through the rose colored glasses of Government logic does it make sense to protect the threat and not the threatened. This bill is not intended to protect humans but appease the Animal Rights folks who despise pet ownership and see it as abuse. We've seen a flavor of this mentality recently with the Obama Administration's desire to give terrorists at Gitmo civil rights. It's insanity. What is also familiar is how the Government uses a tragedy or crisis to push through their leftist agenda that appears to address the issue that caused the tragedy or crisis but is actually advancing their leftist agenda.
Pay Attention.
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