Friday, September 11, 2009

The Labor of Freedom and Liberty

"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders."--Adams, Samuel letter to James Warren
November 4, 1775

I'm going to DC tomorrow, September 12, 2009. I will not be silenced. I will not sit down and allow those in power, who despise our country as it was founded, remake our nation according to their progressive, Godless, dangerous, and failed ideas, without opposition. These ideas have caused countless deaths and human suffering throughout world history. I will be able to tell my children, and their children, that I stood up and fought the progressive movement that took many of their God given freedoms and liberties away. I will tell them of how our great nation was founded, and on what principles it was founded. I will tell them of American Greatness and Exceptionalism. I will tell them of the poisonous ideas that spread like cancer through our universities and society that destroyed our nation from the inside out. They may reject what I say but they will have heard it. This is the Labor required to maintain a free society.

Freedom and Liberty is not only preserved through military might, but also in the market place of ideas. If we lose the hearts and minds of the People in the war of ideas, we will lose everything that the founding patriots fought, bled, and died for. If all memory of our founding and the principles it was founded are forgotten, we will lose all. We must fight in today's war of ideas, and we must teach our children to fight this war also. It is hard work and takes time and effort to wrestle with what you believe and why, and to become knowledgeable to articulate and apply the principles of conservatism, which is by definition, individual freedom and liberty. Being a liberal requires no effort, you just have to "feel", being a conservative requires thought and study. Rebutting the popular ideas and politics of our society does not make you loved and popular, you will be hated and called every name under the sun, but that's just because they can't engage you on content. If the People remain ignorant of our real history, the past and present activities and beliefs of their elected leaders, and the details of legislation moving through congress, we will lose the America we love, and eventually be left with some kind of progressive, authoritarian, Godless, socialist state. Washington is trying their hardest to take us their as fast as they can using choas, fear, and deception. But the People are becoming aware of the evil that is going in Washington. That is why thousands will be showing up in Washington DC tomorrow, because they are not ignorant of all the lies and promises.

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