Who's surprised that a government program is unsustainable? As with all programs of late, it's all about ideology and vote buying, and less about helping anyone. When will Americans realize the Gov't isn't there to help you? They couldn't care less about you, they want your vote. That's it!
This is such a "revenge fest" of the tree humpers, who along with ACORN, SEIU, and GE, are writing every bill coming out of DC these days. Seizing engines, and destroying those evil C02 emitting vehicles, it must be therapeutic for them. Wrong, it will never be enough for the Progressives, they won't stop until they've destroyed every trace of the America dreamed of and fought for by our Founders. At this point America will collapse under its own weight or a nudge from a foreign power. The Founders knew that America wouldn't fall to a foreign military force, but would destroy itself from the inside out by abandoning the religious moral system it was based on, the Judeo Christian ethic.
They crush the cars, and send the scrap to China. All using carbon emitting crushers, trains, and ships. Oh and China could care less about the environment. Why give the scrap to China, when we would have to buy it back from them or they would use it and sell it elsewhere. Sounds like this program is less helping the environment and more about screwing America, which is all DC has been doing of late.
Cash for Clunkers will hurt the cash-tight families who are looking for used cars or trucks and can't afford a $12K+ vehicle. This will reduce the supply of used cars and trucks and thereby increase the price of the used vehicle market. It's a no brainer, Economics 101, but I wouldn't expect the average emotion based, drooling, driveling, Obama-ite follower to understand. It will also cause people to increase their debt load, when Americans should be doing the opposite. And that money doesn't just grow on trees, they have to take it from someone before they can give it away. Or those devils print it, then tax the bat snot out of our us and our posterity. Wealth redistribution anyone? Karl Marx anyone?
People, Government is not the solution, it's the problem!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Annual Fuel Cost vs. MPG

I was tinkering around the other day and come up with a graph that very clearly describes the relationship with MPG to annual fuel cost. This is strictly from a cost perspective. It doesn't matter what kind of fuel, diesel, or gas or take into account the purchase price of such vehicles.
Notice how rapidly fuel cost comes down with increasing MPG then begins to flatten out at 35+ MPG. So when you're looking at cars that get 35+ MPG, it may not make sense to spend $10K more for that next 10 MPG because the savings aren't as great as going from a 15 MPG to 30 MPG car. Also notice that higher MPG cars have less sensitivity to increases in fuel price. A dollar more a gallon hurts a lot worse with a 15 MPG vehicle than with a 35 MPG vehicle.
I'm not crazy about the little eco-death bubble cars nor do I think that the planet is in peril because of fossil fuel use, but they sure are easier on the wallet. The planet is in peril because of ideas of the progressives/communists in power in DC and all over the planet. Anyone who's paying attention to the policies coming from DC knows that energy prices "will necessarily skyrocket" to use Obama's words regarding the "Cap & Trade(Tax)" bill coming through. Gas and Electricity are going to be prohibitively expensive in the next few years, so it might be a good idea to Obamaproof some aspects of your life. There is no such thing as Obamaproof actually, his ideas are like cancer to freedom, liberty and prosperity, but you can try to lessen the pain and misery.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Your gonna wish you were a pet animal, at least until they nationalize the Veterinary industry
Great article on government run health care by John Stossel. Animals get the best health care in Canada, guess why? Because it's market driven, not run by the government. The problems with our health care is because of government involvement. Why would you want them to completely run it. They have no credibility to run anything efficiently, profitably, and honestly. Profit is the incentive for companies to develop new technologies that cure afflictions or ease suffering. Profit is an opportunity for taxation to gov't, and morally wrong to Obama. Profit is the greatest incentive for quality, competitive pricing, and the greatest innovations. It's when the government starts meddling with the economics of an industry, removing free market forces, that the industry becomes unsustainable, and a train wreck. Some examples of failed programs, ruined industries, and business ventures/gov't sponsored monopolies are: health care, mortgage industry, ethanol, energy in general, social security, medicare, medicaide, Amtrak, Postal Service, and the congressional restaurant to name a few. I'm sure I'm missing many. The point is, gov't cannot be trusted to run a lemonade stand, much less something as personal and important as health care.
When the government runs health care, they will have the power to control and regulate every aspect of your life by claiming that an activity has a negative effect on your health and will increase the cost of national health care. They will get some government hack organization to manufacture a study to say what they want it to say. Just look at global warming as a perfect example of manufacturing "proof" and suppressing the opposition to pass an economically devasting, freedom destroying, government empowering, energy bill.
I agree with Ronald Reagan: "government is not the answer, it's the problem."
Great article on government run health care by John Stossel. Animals get the best health care in Canada, guess why? Because it's market driven, not run by the government. The problems with our health care is because of government involvement. Why would you want them to completely run it. They have no credibility to run anything efficiently, profitably, and honestly. Profit is the incentive for companies to develop new technologies that cure afflictions or ease suffering. Profit is an opportunity for taxation to gov't, and morally wrong to Obama. Profit is the greatest incentive for quality, competitive pricing, and the greatest innovations. It's when the government starts meddling with the economics of an industry, removing free market forces, that the industry becomes unsustainable, and a train wreck. Some examples of failed programs, ruined industries, and business ventures/gov't sponsored monopolies are: health care, mortgage industry, ethanol, energy in general, social security, medicare, medicaide, Amtrak, Postal Service, and the congressional restaurant to name a few. I'm sure I'm missing many. The point is, gov't cannot be trusted to run a lemonade stand, much less something as personal and important as health care.
When the government runs health care, they will have the power to control and regulate every aspect of your life by claiming that an activity has a negative effect on your health and will increase the cost of national health care. They will get some government hack organization to manufacture a study to say what they want it to say. Just look at global warming as a perfect example of manufacturing "proof" and suppressing the opposition to pass an economically devasting, freedom destroying, government empowering, energy bill.
I agree with Ronald Reagan: "government is not the answer, it's the problem."
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