Monday, June 22, 2009

My Father in Law, saved by grace.

My Father-in-Law passed away on Sunday evening. Because Glenn lived his life for the message of Salvation through Christ alone, I cannot tell you of his passing without telling you of the Gospel message that saved his soul for eternity.

Because God is just, we are all guilty of our sins and deserve hell. Because God is love, he sent his only son to live a perfect life and die unjustly at the hands of sinners, to be the only adequate substitute for us. God justly poured out his wrath on Jesus Christ, wrath that was meant for us. Because God loved us so much he offers the forgiveness of sins to those who believe in what Christ has done on our behalf, to those who confess and turn away from their life of sin, and trust in Christ's sacrifice only for the forgiveness of their sins. Upon doing this we are promised Eternal Life in the presence of God after our earthly bodies perish. We are not left abandoned while we are still on earth. Christ promised to give us an intercessor, someone to lead and guide us in our hearts and consciences, and to intercede on our behalf to God. This is the Holy Spirit. Glenn lived his life for this message. In his life, all Glenn desired was for the God who saved him to be glorified by his life.

Have you considered Christ?